
Brand protection Through Customer Service - Formula 1

Brand protection Through Customer Service - Formula 1, Robert Spekman

Robert Spekman

Autor: Robert Spekman

Robert Spekman – General Manager, WPG Racing Solutions

Robert is a seasoned Customer Service professional with over 25 years’ experience in the Customer Care industry, managing teams and providing services for companies with in-house teams and/ or with outsourced teams and working with global, immediately recognizable brands like LEGO, Motorola, Philips and many more.

Robert is General Manager at WPG Racing Solutions in Bucharest; a provider of professional Customer Care services to various companies. Since February 2018, WPG RS provides Formula 1 with a support program that focusses on brand protection, brand engagement and fan satisfaction through live, online and offline support for F1TV. Formula 1 launched their Over The Top (OTT) service during the 2018 season: a subscription based streaming service.

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